Friday, August 6, 2010

Back on Track

Ok here I am after how long? I have been making goals, but not recording them on here. So, here are my goals as of 8/10. I will need to reassess some of them when I hit the 6 week postpartum mark.

Religious Studies

Upstairs by 10:00 to read scriptures

Morning and evening prayers kneeling

Happy Healthy Family

Lighten Up! (Be more fun, less uptight)

Keep your cool (tone of voice) even in the face of screaming etc…

Consistent consequences/rewards

Individual playtime/attention for each child


Go to bed with the dishes done and house tidy


Daily Primary planning

Do something to help in every house I visit


Keep it up!

Stress Reduction/Hobbies/Me Time

1 hour of crafting per day

Physical Activity/Exercise

Stretches and walking until 6 weeks then retool

Healthy Food/Portions

Food Journal on